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Horse Jumps

Horse show jump wings are essential components of the sport of show jumping. Jump wings are typically made of lightweight yet sturdy materials such as PVC, aluminum, or wood. These materials allow for easy assembly and transportation of the jumps. The height of the jumps can be easily modified by changing the placement of the poles on the wings. This adjustability accommodates the varying skill levels of horses and riders, ensuring that the competition is both challenging and fair.Horse show jump wings often feature decorative elements and colors that contribute to the overall theme of the event. The aesthetics are not only for visual appeal but also serve to engage spectators and create an atmosphere of excitement during the competition.

One-Stop sourcing platform reduces the cost and risks for the clients.

Hope Horse has extensive experience in designing and manufacturing schooling jumps, training style, custom style, sponsored style aluminum jumping, and custom wooden jumps. Each jump is equipped with hot-dip galvanized tracks, so that the jumping height can be adjusted with our safety cups and jumping poles. You can customize the width and height, or provide your design draft, then our design team will work with you to achieve the perfect combination of aesthetics and functionality. Please be assured that we will carefully verify the sketch with you before production.

Aluminum obstacles are very lightweight, durable and easy to clean and transport. They are excellent powder coated to get the colorful, bright and non-fading surface.

If you want the obstacles in a natural and authentic style, please browse our collection of wooden jump wings.

Our plastic jump blocks come in a variety of colors, are UV resistant, and are extremely durable to withstand everyday training environments.